NoSchoolViolence is an advanced AI-research driven think tank.

We believe that school violence and school shootings form a complex system of social, psychological, cultural, and media forces in play at the moment of a school attack.

We are committed to reducing school violence by creating easy-to-use apps that parents, teachers, school administrators, school site psychologists and law enforcement use to anticipate and intervene before violence begins. We apply systems thinking, as well as the latest social science theories, to explore, test and deploy smart data-informed solutions.

We invite colleges, universities and private foundations to partner with us on our projects and app development efforts.



The Lantern Project

There is no national, comprehensive, or integrated school violence database. We are building one. Our volunteer team is gathering and assessing hundreds of fragmented, inaccessible, and unusable school violence databases. Once completed we will mine their content to 1) provide new insights into the causes of school violence, 2) identify the best interventions for specific types of violence, and 3) offer users individualized tools for meeting the unique needs of a unique child. This new database will help us in going forward in developing new projects and solutions. 

The BAE Project

There is no behavioral analytics engine (BAE) that connects thousands of school shooter behaviors to those of a student whose behaviors may signal their violence potential. This early warning BAE tool will help parents, teachers, school administrators and therapists to create communities of concern so that they can intervene before a violent event occur

The School Shooter Linguistic Project

Identfies semantic and syntatical language patterns in over 145 school shooters so that parents and school staff can compare those patterns with a child or student who slowly changes their manner of expression. It will also offer parents an add-on filter for their browsers to prevent their child from finding and visiting far right websites.

The Demographics Project

Discovers similarities between community elements in towns having been victimized by a mass shooting. Provides school administrators and school boards with tactical insights into how they can anticipate an event.

The Legislative Project

Analyzes the connection between federal funding for school violence and its politics, noting connections between donors and congressional members.


Researches and applies for projects listed here,

American Culture Project

This project attempts to answer the question of why mass school shootings are unique to American culture then converts those factors into a queried database.

The Social Science Project

This transdisciplinary project studies the psychological, social, media, and economic causes of school shootings and then enter the research into a database for public access.

The Intervention Project

Matches behaviors observed in a child with the best intervention programs to prevent violence before it escalates. School psychologist or social workers will have the advantage of being able to use this tool in order to be current in their therapies.

The Law Enforcement Project

A team of researchers are gathering and evaluating law enforcement records related to 665 school shooting events. The goal ie to ascertain how law enforcement may improve their efforts at reducing school violence by identifying and analyzing effective best practices response patterns.


Our Tech Tools

Currently, we’re working with Chatgpt, Microsoft, Alteryx, Elastic, and Google to use their AI tools and expertise in developing easy to use apps that help parents, schools and healthcare professionals to reduce school violence.

Social Science

Rather than relying only on traditional research methods, we use social science theories like social constructivist, network, agential realism, social physics, chaos and catastrophe theories to better understand the nature, causes, patterns and remedies of school and youth violence.

Big DaTA

Every NoSchoolViolence research project scrubs from thousands of vetted big data sources to gather needed data. We believe that when more data is analyzed, better insight tools can be created.


October 2017

Reducing School Violence With New Technologies

Quote Source / Read Full Article



Get Involved

Our children are our future, and we must protect them. Emotional effects of fear and trauma in children are real and lasting, impeding their ability to learn, form relationships, and even play. With school violence on the rise, with 2.7M annual incidences, there's a pair did that we had to create a better society for all of us.

We need volunteers, sponsors, parents, teachers, school staff, and educator researchers who are no longer willing to say “we had enough” school violence. We need a create a national community that creates solutions to youth and school violence, but we cannot do it without you joining our community.


Volunteer opportunities

NoSchoolViolence seeks social science researchers, data scientists, admin support staff, marketing specialists, board members, education outreach and funding staff. If you can help, we have a place for you in our organization.


Make a Donation

All donations will pay for web hosting services, website maintenance, database management, and other operational expenses. We have the tools but not the funding to operationalize them.